Business Areas

  • Business Areas
  • Foreign and Membership Cooperation
  • 2025년 슬롯사이트 IT Leaders Forum

2025년 슬롯사이트 IT Leaders Forum

Operate a venue for interaction among industry, academia, and research leaders in the field of information, broadcasting and 2025년 슬롯사이트


Main Business

  • Exchange 2025년 슬롯사이트
    between members
  • Conduct subcommittee research
    and suggest policies
Exchange information between members to promote domestic/foreign information and 2025년 슬롯사이트 interaction
  • ㆍOperate information broadcasting and 2025년 슬롯사이트 seminars, special lectures, and monthly breakfast meetings
  • ㆍVisit elite information, broadcasting and 2025년 슬롯사이트 companies home and abroad, etc.
Conduct subcommittee research and suggest policies on major issues
  • ㆍConverge industrial difficulties through knowledge and experience
  • ㆍAssist government-promoted projects and promote them to the public.
  • ㆍCollect real-time trend and create new business models through online surveys, etc.